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Reverse a number using stack

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Given a number , write a program to reverse this number using stack.


Input : 365
Output : 563

Input : 6899
Output : 9986

We have already discussed the simple method to reverse a number in this post. In this post we will discuss about how to reverse a number using stack.
The idea to do this is to extract digits of the number and push the digits on to a stack. Once all of the digits of the number are pushed to the stack, we will start popping the contents of stack one by one and form a number. 
As stack is a LIFO data structure, digits of the newly formed number will be in reverse order.

Below is the implementation of above idea: 


// CPP program to reverse the number
// using a stack
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Stack to maintain order of digits
stack <int> st;
// Function to push digits into stack
void push_digits(int number)
    while (number != 0)
        st.push(number % 10);
        number = number / 10;
// Function to reverse the number
int reverse_number(int number)
    // Function call to push number's
    // digits to stack
    int reverse = 0;
    int i = 1;
    // Popping the digits and forming
    // the reversed number
    while (!st.empty())
        reverse = reverse + ( * i);
        i = i * 10;
    // Return the reversed number formed
    return reverse;
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int number = 39997;
    // Function call to reverse number
    cout << reverse_number(number);
    return 0;


// Java program to reverse the number
// using a stack
import java.util.Stack;
public class GFG
    // Stack to maintain order of digits
    static Stack<Integer> st= new Stack<>();
    // Function to push digits into stack
    static void push_digits(int number)
        while(number != 0)
            st.push(number % 10);
            number = number / 10;
    // Function to reverse the number
    static int reverse_number(int number)
        // Function call to push number's
        // digits to stack
        int reverse = 0;
        int i = 1;
        // Popping the digits and forming
        // the reversed number
        while (!st.isEmpty())
            reverse = reverse + (st.peek() * i);
            i = i * 10;
        // Return the reversed number formed
        return reverse;
    // Driver program to test above function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int number = 39997;
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh


# Python3 program to reverse the
# number using a stack
# Stack to maintain order of digits
st = [];
# Function to push digits into stack
def push_digits(number):
    while (number != 0):
        st.append(number % 10);
        number = int(number / 10);
# Function to reverse the number
def reverse_number(number):
    # Function call to push number's
    # digits to stack
    reverse = 0;
    i = 1;
    # Popping the digits and forming
    # the reversed number
    while (len(st) > 0):
        reverse = reverse + (st[len(st) - 1] * i);
        i = i * 10;
    # Return the reversed number formed
    return reverse;
# Driver Code
number = 39997;
# Function call to reverse number
# This code is contributed by mits


// C# program to reverse the number
// using a stack
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Stack to maintain order of digits
public static Stack<int> st = new Stack<int>();
// Function to push digits into stack
public static void push_digits(int number)
    while (number != 0)
        st.Push(number % 10);
        number = number / 10;
// Function to reverse the number
public static int reverse_number(int number)
    // Function call to push number's
    // digits to stack
    int reverse = 0;
    int i = 1;
    // Popping the digits and forming
    // the reversed number
    while (st.Count > 0)
        reverse = reverse + (st.Peek() * i);
        i = i * 10;
    // Return the reversed number formed
    return reverse;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int number = 39997;
// This code is contributed by Shrikant13


// PHP program to reverse the number
// using a stack
// Stack to maintain order of digits
$st = array();
// Function to push digits into stack
function push_digits($number)
    global $st;
    while ($number != 0)
        array_push($st, $number % 10);
        $number = (int)($number / 10);
// Function to reverse the number
function reverse_number($number)
    global $st;
    // Function call to push number's
    // digits to stack
    $reverse = 0;
    $i = 1;
    // Popping the digits and forming
    // the reversed number
    while (!empty($st))
        $reverse = $reverse +
                  ($st[count($st) - 1] * $i);
        $i = $i * 10;
    // Return the reversed number formed
    return $reverse;
// Driver Code
$number = 39997;
// Function call to reverse number
echo reverse_number($number);
// This code is contributed by mits


 // JavaScript program for the above approach
        // Stack to maintain order of digits
        let st = [];
        // Function to push digits into stack
        function push_digits(number)
            while (number != 0)
                st.push(number % 10);
                number = Math.floor(number / 10);
        // Function to reverse the number
        function reverse_number(number)
            // Function call to push number's
            // digits to stack
            let reverse = 0;
            let i = 1;
            // Popping the digits and forming
            // the reversed number
            while (st.length != 0) {
                reverse = reverse + (st[st.length - 1] * i);
                i = i * 10;
            // Return the reversed number formed
            return reverse;
        // Driver program to test above function
        let number = 39997;
        // Function call to reverse number
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh



Time Complexity: O( logN ) 
Auxiliary Space: O( logN ), Where N is the input number.

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Last Updated : 15 Jul, 2022
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