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Sort a stack using a temporary stack

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Given a stack of integers, sort it in ascending order using another temporary stack.


Input : [34, 3, 31, 98, 92, 23]
Output : [3, 23, 31, 34, 92, 98]

Input : [3, 5, 1, 4, 2, 8]
Output : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8] 
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  1. Create a temporary stack say tmpStack.
  2. While input stack is NOT empty do this: 
    • Pop an element from input stack call it temp
    • while temporary stack is NOT empty and top of temporary stack is greater than temp, 
      pop from temporary stack and push it to the input stack
    • push temp in temporary stack
  3. The sorted numbers are in tmpStack

Here is a dry run of the above pseudo code.  

input: [34, 3, 31, 98, 92, 23]

Element taken out: 23
input: [34, 3, 31, 98, 92]
tmpStack: [23]

Element taken out: 92
input: [34, 3, 31, 98]
tmpStack: [23, 92]

Element taken out: 98
input: [34, 3, 31]
tmpStack: [23, 92, 98]

Element taken out: 31
input: [34, 3, 98, 92]
tmpStack: [23, 31]

Element taken out: 92
input: [34, 3, 98]
tmpStack: [23, 31, 92]

Element taken out: 98
input: [34, 3]
tmpStack: [23, 31, 92, 98]

Element taken out: 3
input: [34, 98, 92, 31, 23]
tmpStack: [3]

Element taken out: 23
input: [34, 98, 92, 31]
tmpStack: [3, 23]

Element taken out: 31
input: [34, 98, 92]
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31]

Element taken out: 92
input: [34, 98]
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31, 92]

Element taken out: 98
input: [34]
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31, 92, 98]

Element taken out: 34
input: [98, 92]
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31, 34]

Element taken out: 92
input: [98]
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31, 34, 92]

Element taken out: 98
input: []
tmpStack: [3, 23, 31, 34, 92, 98]

final sorted list: [3, 23, 31, 34, 92, 98]



// C++ program to sort a stack using an
// auxiliary stack.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// This function return the sorted stack
stack<int> sortStack(stack<int> &input)
    stack<int> tmpStack;
    while (!input.empty())
        // pop out the first element
        int tmp =;
        // while temporary stack is not empty and top
        // of stack is lesser than temp
        while (!tmpStack.empty() && < tmp)
            // pop from temporary stack and push
            // it to the input stack
        // push temp in temporary of stack
    return tmpStack;
// main function
int main()
    stack<int> input;
    // This is the temporary stack
    stack<int> tmpStack = sortStack(input);
    cout << "Sorted numbers are:\n";
    while (!tmpStack.empty())
        cout <<<< " ";


// Java program to sort a stack using
// a auxiliary stack.
import java.util.*;
class SortStack
    // This function return the sorted stack
    public static Stack<Integer> sortstack(Stack<Integer>
        Stack<Integer> tmpStack = new Stack<Integer>();
            // pop out the first element
            int tmp = input.pop();
            // while temporary stack is not empty and
            // top of stack is lesser than temp
            while(!tmpStack.isEmpty() && tmpStack.peek()
                                                 < tmp)
                // pop from temporary stack and
                // push it to the input stack
            // push temp in temporary of stack
        return tmpStack;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        Stack<Integer> input = new Stack<Integer>();
        // This is the temporary stack
        Stack<Integer> tmpStack=sortstack(input);
        System.out.println("Sorted numbers are:");
        while (!tmpStack.empty())
            System.out.print(tmpStack.pop()+" ");
// This code is contributed by Danish Kaleem


# Python program to sort a
# stack using auxiliary stack.
# This function return the sorted stack
def sortStack ( stack ):
    tmpStack = createStack()
    while(isEmpty(stack) == False):
        # pop out the first element
        tmp = top(stack)
        # while temporary stack is not
        # empty and top of stack is
        # lesser than temp
        while(isEmpty(tmpStack) == False and
             int(top(tmpStack)) < int(tmp)):
            # pop from temporary stack and
            # push it to the input stack
        # push temp in temporary of stack
    return tmpStack
# Below is a complete running
# program for testing above
# function.
# Function to create a stack.
# It initializes size of stack
# as 0
def createStack():
    stack = []
    return stack
# Function to check if
# the stack is empty
def isEmpty( stack ):
    return len(stack) == 0
# Function to push an
# item to stack
def push( stack, item ):
    stack.append( item )
# Function to get top
# item of stack
def top( stack ):
    p = len(stack)
    return stack[p-1]
# Function to pop an
# item from stack
def pop( stack ):
    # If stack is empty
    # then error
    if(isEmpty( stack )):
        print("Stack Underflow ")
    return stack.pop()
# Function to print the stack
def prints(stack):
    for i in range(len(stack)-1, -1, -1):
        print(stack[i], end = ' ')
# Driver Code
stack = createStack()
push( stack, str(34) )
push( stack, str(3) )
push( stack, str(31) )
push( stack, str(98) )
push( stack, str(92) )
push( stack, str(23) )
print("Sorted numbers are: ")
sortedst = sortStack ( stack )
# This code is contributed by
# Prasad Kshirsagar


// C# program to sort a stack using
// a auxiliary stack.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// This function return the sorted stack
public static Stack<int> sortstack(Stack<int> input)
    Stack<int> tmpStack = new Stack<int>();
    while (input.Count > 0)
        // pop out the first element
        int tmp = input.Pop();
        // while temporary stack is not empty and
        // top of stack is lesser than temp
        while (tmpStack.Count > 0 && tmpStack.Peek() < tmp)
            // pop from temporary stack and
            // push it to the input stack
        // push temp in temporary of stack
    return tmpStack;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    Stack<int> input = new Stack<int>();
    // This is the temporary stack
    Stack<int> tmpStack = sortstack(input);
    Console.WriteLine("Sorted numbers are:");
    while (tmpStack.Count > 0)
        Console.Write(tmpStack.Pop() + " ");
// This code is contributed by Shrikant13


    // Javascript program to sort a stack using
    // a auxiliary stack.
    // This function return the sorted stack
    function sortstack(input)
        let tmpStack = [];
        while (input.length > 0)
            // pop out the first element
            let tmp = input.pop();
            // while temporary stack is not empty and
            // top of stack is lesser than temp
            while (tmpStack.length > 0 && tmpStack[tmpStack.length - 1] < tmp)
                // pop from temporary stack and
                // push it to the input stack
                input.push(tmpStack[tmpStack.length - 1]);
            // push temp in temporary of stack
        return tmpStack;
    let input = [];
    // This is the temporary stack
    let tmpStack = sortstack(input);
    document.write("Sorted numbers are:" + "</br>");
    while (tmpStack.length > 0)
        document.write(tmpStack[tmpStack.length - 1] + " ");
    // This code is contributed by rameshtravel07.


Sorted numbers are:
3 23 31 34 92 98 

Time Complexity: O(n2) where n is the total number of integers in the given stack.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)


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Last Updated : 25 May, 2023
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