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Reverse a Linked List

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Given a pointer to the head node of a linked list, the task is to reverse the linked list. We need to reverse the list by changing the links between nodes.


Input: Head of following linked list 
Output: Linked list should be changed to, 

Input: Head of following linked list 
Output: Linked list should be changed to, 

Input: NULL 
Output: NULL

Input: 1->NULL 
Output: 1->NULL 

Recommended Practice

Reverse a linked list by Iterative Method:

The idea is to use three pointers curr, prev, and next to keep track of nodes to update reverse links.


Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize three pointers prev as NULL, curr as head, and next as NULL.
  • Iterate through the linked list. In a loop, do the following:
    • Before changing the next of curr, store the next node 
      • next = curr -> next
    • Now update the next pointer of curr to the prev 
      • curr -> next = prev 
    • Update prev as curr and curr as next 
      • prev = curr 
      • curr = next

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// Iterative C++ program to reverse a linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* Link list node */
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
    Node(int data)
        this->data = data;
        next = NULL;
struct LinkedList {
    Node* head;
    LinkedList() { head = NULL; }
    /* Function to reverse the linked list */
    void reverse()
        // Initialize current, previous and next pointers
        Node* current = head;
        Node *prev = NULL, *next = NULL;
        while (current != NULL) {
            // Store next
            next = current->next;
            // Reverse current node's pointer
            current->next = prev;
            // Move pointers one position ahead.
            prev = current;
            current = next;
        head = prev;
    /* Function to print linked list */
    void print()
        struct Node* temp = head;
        while (temp != NULL) {
            cout << temp->data << " ";
            temp = temp->next;
    void push(int data)
        Node* temp = new Node(data);
        temp->next = head;
        head = temp;
/* Driver code*/
int main()
    /* Start with the empty list */
    LinkedList ll;
    cout << "Given linked list\n";
    cout << "\nReversed linked list \n";
    return 0;


// Iterative C program to reverse a linked list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Link list node */
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
/* Function to reverse the linked list */
static void reverse(struct Node** head_ref)
    struct Node* prev = NULL;
    struct Node* current = *head_ref;
    struct Node* next = NULL;
    while (current != NULL) {
        // Store next
        next = current->next;
        // Reverse current node's pointer
        current->next = prev;
        // Move pointers one position ahead.
        prev = current;
        current = next;
    *head_ref = prev;
/* Function to push a node */
void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data)
    struct Node* new_node
        = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    new_node->data = new_data;
    new_node->next = (*head_ref);
    (*head_ref) = new_node;
/* Function to print linked list */
void printList(struct Node* head)
    struct Node* temp = head;
    while (temp != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", temp->data);
        temp = temp->next;
/* Driver code*/
int main()
    /* Start with the empty list */
    struct Node* head = NULL;
    push(&head, 20);
    push(&head, 4);
    push(&head, 15);
    push(&head, 85);
    printf("Given linked list\n");
    printf("\nReversed linked list \n");


// Java program for reversing the linked list
class LinkedList {
    static Node head;
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    /* Function to reverse the linked list */
    Node reverse(Node node)
        Node prev = null;
        Node current = node;
        Node next = null;
        while (current != null) {
            next =;
   = prev;
            prev = current;
            current = next;
        node = prev;
        return node;
    // prints content of double linked list
    void printList(Node node)
        while (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            node =;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(85); = new Node(15); = new Node(4); = new Node(20);
        System.out.println("Given linked list");
        head = list.reverse(head);
        System.out.println("Reversed linked list ");
// This code has been contributed by Mayank Jaiswal


# Python program to reverse a linked list
# Time Complexity : O(n)
# Space Complexity : O(1)
# Node class
class Node:
    # Constructor to initialize the node object
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
class LinkedList:
    # Function to initialize head
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
    # Function to reverse the linked list
    def reverse(self):
        prev = None
        current = self.head
        while(current is not None):
            next =
   = prev
            prev = current
            current = next
        self.head = prev
    # Function to insert a new node at the beginning
    def push(self, new_data):
        new_node = Node(new_data) = self.head
        self.head = new_node
    # Utility function to print the LinkedList
    def printList(self):
        temp = self.head
            print(, end=" ")
            temp =
# Driver code
llist = LinkedList()
print ("Given linked list")
print ("\nReversed linked list")
# This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh(nickzuck_007)


// C# program for reversing the linked list
using System;
class GFG {
    // Driver Code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.AddNode(new LinkedList.Node(85));
        list.AddNode(new LinkedList.Node(15));
        list.AddNode(new LinkedList.Node(4));
        list.AddNode(new LinkedList.Node(20));
        // List before reversal
        Console.WriteLine("Given linked list ");
        // Reverse the list
        // List after reversal
        Console.WriteLine("Reversed linked list ");
class LinkedList {
    Node head;
    public class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    // function to add a new node at
    // the end of the list
    public void AddNode(Node node)
        if (head == null)
            head = node;
        else {
            Node temp = head;
            while ( != null) {
                temp =;
   = node;
    // function to reverse the list
    public void ReverseList()
        Node prev = null, current = head, next = null;
        while (current != null) {
            next =;
   = prev;
            prev = current;
            current = next;
        head = prev;
    // function to print the list data
    public void PrintList()
        Node current = head;
        while (current != null) {
            Console.Write( + " ");
            current =;
// This code is contributed by Mayank Sharma


// JavaScript program for reversing the linked list
var head;
     class Node {
        constructor(val) {
   = val;
   = null;
    /* Function to reverse the linked list */
    function reverse(node) {
    var prev = null;
    var current = node;
    var next = null;
        while (current != null) {
            next =;
   = prev;
            prev = current;
            current = next;
        node = prev;
        return node;
    // prints content of double linked list
    function printList(node) {
        while (node != null) {
            document.write( + " ");
            node =;
    // Driver Code
        head = new Node(85); = new Node(15); = new Node(4); = new Node(20);
        document.write("Given linked list<br/>");
        head = reverse(head);
        document.write("Reversed linked list<br/> ");
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav


Given linked list
85 15 4 20 
Reversed linked list 
20 4 15 85 

Time Complexity: O(N), Traversing over the linked list of size N. 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Reverse a linked list using Recursion:

The idea is to reach the last node of the linked list using recursion then start reversing the linked list.


Linked List Rverse

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Divide the list in two parts – first node and rest of the linked list.
  • Call reverse for the rest of the linked list.
  • Link the rest linked list to first.
  • Fix head pointer to NULL

Below is the implementation of above approach:


// Recursive C++ program to reverse
// a linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* Link list node */
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
    Node(int data)
        this->data = data;
        next = NULL;
struct LinkedList {
    Node* head;
    LinkedList() { head = NULL; }
    Node* reverse(Node* head)
        if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL)
            return head;
        /* reverse the rest list and put
          the first element at the end */
        Node* rest = reverse(head->next);
        head->next->next = head;
        /* tricky step -- see the diagram */
        head->next = NULL;
        /* fix the head pointer */
        return rest;
    /* Function to print linked list */
    void print()
        struct Node* temp = head;
        while (temp != NULL) {
            cout << temp->data << " ";
            temp = temp->next;
    void push(int data)
        Node* temp = new Node(data);
        temp->next = head;
        head = temp;
/* Driver program to test above function*/
int main()
    /* Start with the empty list */
    LinkedList ll;
    cout << "Given linked list\n";
    ll.head = ll.reverse(ll.head);
    cout << "\nReversed linked list \n";
    return 0;


// Recursive Java program to reverse
// a linked list
class recursion {
    static Node head; // head of list
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    static Node reverse(Node head)
        if (head == null || == null)
            return head;
        /* reverse the rest list and put
        the first element at the end */
        Node rest = reverse(; = head;
        /* tricky step -- see the diagram */ = null;
        /* fix the head pointer */
        return rest;
    /* Function to print linked list */
    static void print()
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            temp =;
    static void push(int data)
        Node temp = new Node(data); = head;
        head = temp;
    /* Driver program to test above function*/
    public static void main(String args[])
        /* Start with the empty list */
        System.out.println("Given linked list");
        head = reverse(head);
        System.out.println("Reversed linked list");
// This code is contributed by Prakhar Agarwal


"""Python3 program to reverse linked list
using recursive method"""
# Linked List Node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
# Create and Handle list operations
class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None  # Head of list
    # Method to reverse the list
    def reverse(self, head):
        # If head is empty or has reached the list end
        if head is None or is None:
            return head
        # Reverse the rest list
        rest = self.reverse(
        # Put first element at the end = head = None
        # Fix the header pointer
        return rest
    # Returns the linked list in display format
    def __str__(self):
        linkedListStr = ""
        temp = self.head
        while temp:
            linkedListStr = (linkedListStr +
                             str( + " ")
            temp =
        return linkedListStr
    # Pushes new data to the head of the list
    def push(self, data):
        temp = Node(data) = self.head
        self.head = temp
# Driver code
linkedList = LinkedList()
print("Given linked list")
linkedList.head = linkedList.reverse(linkedList.head)
print("Reversed linked list")
# This code is contributed by Debidutta Rath


// Recursive C# program to
// reverse a linked list
using System;
class recursion {
    // Head of list
    static Node head;
    public class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    static Node reverse(Node head)
        if (head == null || == null)
            return head;
        // Reverse the rest list and put
        // the first element at the end
        Node rest = reverse(; = head;
        // Tricky step --
        // see the diagram = null;
        // Fix the head pointer
        return rest;
    // Function to print
    // linked list
    static void print()
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            Console.Write( + " ");
            temp =;
    static void push(int data)
        Node temp = new Node(data); = head;
        head = temp;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Start with the
        // empty list
        Console.WriteLine("Given linked list");
        head = reverse(head);
        Console.WriteLine("Reversed linked list");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// Recursive javascript program to reverse
// a linked list
    var head; // head of list
     class Node {
        constructor(val) {
   = val;
   = null;
    function reverse(head) {
        if (head == null || == null)
            return head;
         * reverse the rest list and put the first element at the end
        var rest = reverse(; = head;
        /* tricky step -- see the diagram */ = null;
        /* fix the head pointer */
        return rest;
    /* Function to print linked list */
    function print() {
    var temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            document.write( + " ");
            temp =;
    function push(data) {
    var temp = new Node(data); = head;
        head = temp;
    /* Driver program to test above function */
        /* Start with the empty list */
        document.write("Given linked list<br/>");
        head = reverse(head);
        document.write("<br/>Reversed Linked list<br/>");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


Given linked list
85 15 4 20 
Reversed linked list 
20 4 15 85 

Time Complexity: O(N), Visiting over every node one time 
Auxiliary Space: O(N), Function call stack space

Reverse a linked list by Tail Recursive Method:

The idea is to maintain three pointers previous, current and next, recursively visit every node and make links using these three pointers.

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • First update next with next node of current i.e. next = current->next
  • Now make a reverse link from current node to previous node i.e. curr->next = prev
  • If the visited node is the last node then just make a reverse link from the current node to previous node and update head. 

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// A simple and tail recursive C++ program to reverse
// a linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
void reverseUtil(Node* curr, Node* prev, Node** head);
// This function mainly calls reverseUtil()
// with prev as NULL
void reverse(Node** head)
    if (!head)
    reverseUtil(*head, NULL, head);
// A simple and tail-recursive function to reverse
// a linked list.  prev is passed as NULL initially.
void reverseUtil(Node* curr, Node* prev, Node** head)
    /* If last node mark it head*/
    if (!curr->next) {
        *head = curr;
        /* Update next to prev node */
        curr->next = prev;
    /* Save curr->next node for recursive call */
    Node* next = curr->next;
    /* and update next ..*/
    curr->next = prev;
    reverseUtil(next, curr, head);
// A utility function to create a new node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->data = key;
    temp->next = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to print a linked list
void printlist(Node* head)
    while (head != NULL) {
        cout << head->data << " ";
        head = head->next;
    cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    Node* head1 = newNode(1);
    head1->next = newNode(2);
    head1->next->next = newNode(3);
    head1->next->next->next = newNode(4);
    head1->next->next->next->next = newNode(5);
    head1->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(6);
    head1->next->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(7);
        = newNode(8);
    cout << "Given linked list\n";
    cout << "Reversed linked list\n";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


// A simple and tail recursive C program to reverse a linked
// list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
} Node;
void reverseUtil(Node* curr, Node* prev, Node** head);
// This function mainly calls reverseUtil()
// with prev as NULL
void reverse(Node** head)
    if (!head)
    reverseUtil(*head, NULL, head);
// A simple and tail-recursive function to reverse
// a linked list.  prev is passed as NULL initially.
void reverseUtil(Node* curr, Node* prev, Node** head)
    /* If last node mark it head*/
    if (!curr->next) {
        *head = curr;
        /* Update next to prev node */
        curr->next = prev;
    /* Save curr->next node for recursive call */
    Node* next = curr->next;
    /* and update next ..*/
    curr->next = prev;
    reverseUtil(next, curr, head);
// A utility function to create a new node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    temp->data = key;
    temp->next = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to print a linked list
void printlist(Node* head)
    while (head != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", head->data);
        head = head->next;
// Driver code
int main()
    Node* head1 = newNode(1);
    head1->next = newNode(2);
    head1->next->next = newNode(3);
    head1->next->next->next = newNode(4);
    head1->next->next->next->next = newNode(5);
    head1->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(6);
    head1->next->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(7);
        = newNode(8);
    printf("Given linked list\n");
    printf("Reversed linked list\n");
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


// Java program for reversing the Linked list
class LinkedList {
    static Node head;
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    // A simple and tail recursive function to reverse
    // a linked list.  prev is passed as NULL initially.
    Node reverseUtil(Node curr, Node prev)
        /*If head is initially null OR list is empty*/
        if (head == null)
            return head;
        /* If last node mark it head*/
        if ( == null) {
            head = curr;
            /* Update next to prev node */
   = prev;
            return head;
        /* Save curr->next node for recursive call */
        Node next1 =;
        /* and update next ..*/ = prev;
        reverseUtil(next1, curr);
        return head;
    // prints content of double linked list
    void printList(Node node)
        while (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            node =;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(1); = new Node(2); = new Node(3); = new Node(4); = new Node(5); = new Node(6);
            = new Node(7);
            = new Node(8);
        System.out.println("Given linked list ");
        Node res = list.reverseUtil(head, null);
        System.out.println("\nReversed linked list ");
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


# Simple and tail recursive Python program to
# reverse a linked list
# Node class
class Node:
    # Constructor to initialize the node object
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
class LinkedList:
    # Function to initialize head
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
    def reverseUtil(self, curr, prev):
        # If last node mark it head
        if is None:
            self.head = curr
            # Update next to prev node
   = prev
        # Save node for recursive call
        next =
        # And update next = prev
        self.reverseUtil(next, curr)
    # This function mainly calls reverseUtil()
    # with previous as None
    def reverse(self):
        if self.head is None:
        self.reverseUtil(self.head, None)
    # Function to insert a new node at the beginning
    def push(self, new_data):
        new_node = Node(new_data) = self.head
        self.head = new_node
    # Utility function to print the linked LinkedList
    def printList(self):
        temp = self.head
            print (, end=" ")
            temp =
# Driver code
llist = LinkedList()
print ("Given linked list")
print ("\nReversed linked list")
# This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh(nickzuck_007)


// C# program for reversing the Linked list
using System;
public class LinkedList {
    Node head;
    public class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    // A simple and tail-recursive function to reverse
    // a linked list. prev is passed as NULL initially.
    Node reverseUtil(Node curr, Node prev)
        /* If last node mark it head*/
        if ( == null) {
            head = curr;
            /* Update next to prev node */
   = prev;
            return head;
        /* Save curr->next node for recursive call */
        Node next1 =;
        /* and update next ..*/ = prev;
        reverseUtil(next1, curr);
        return head;
    // prints content of double linked list
    void printList(Node node)
        while (node != null) {
            Console.Write( + " ");
            node =;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(1); = new Node(2); = new Node(3); = new Node(4); = new Node(5); = new Node(6);
            = new Node(7);
            = new Node(8);
        Console.WriteLine("Given linked list ");
        Node res = list.reverseUtil(list.head, null);
        Console.WriteLine("\nReversed linked list ");
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


// javascript program for reversing the Linked list
    var head;
 class Node {
        constructor(d) {
   = d;
   = null;
    // A simple and tail recursive function to reverse
    // a linked list. prev is passed as NULL initially.
    function reverseUtil(curr,  prev)
        /* If head is initially null OR list is empty */
        if (head == null)
            return head;
        /* If last node mark it head */
        if ( == null) {
            head = curr;
            /* Update next to prev node */
   = prev;
            return head;
        /* Save curr->next node for recursive call */
        var next1 =;
        /* and update next .. */ = prev;
        reverseUtil(next1, curr);
        return head;
    // prints content of var linked list
    function printList(node) {
        while (node != null) {
            document.write( + " ");
            node =;
    // Driver Code
        var head = new Node(1); = new Node(2); = new Node(3); = new Node(4); = new Node(5); = new Node(6); = new Node(7); = new Node(8);
        document.write("Original Linked list<br/> ");
        var res = reverseUtil(head, null);
        document.write("Reversed linked list <br/>");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


Given linked list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Reversed linked list
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 

Time Complexity: O(N), Visiting every node of the linked list of size N.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), Function call stack space

Reverse a linked list using Stack:

The idea is to store the all the nodes in the stack then make a reverse linked list.

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Store the nodes(values and address) in the stack until all the values are entered.
  • Once all entries are done, Update the Head pointer to the last location(i.e the last value).
  • Start popping the nodes(value and address) and store them in the same order until the stack is empty.
  • Update the next pointer of last Node in the stack by NULL.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Create a class Node to enter values and address in the
// list
class Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;
// Function to reverse the linked list
void reverseLL(Node** head)
    // Create a stack "s" of Node type
    stack<Node*> s;
    Node* temp = *head;
    while (temp->next != NULL) {
        // Push all the nodes in to stack
        temp = temp->next;
    *head = temp;
    while (!s.empty()) {
        // Store the top value of stack in list
        temp->next =;
        // Pop the value from stack
        // update the next pointer in the list
        temp = temp->next;
    temp->next = NULL;
// Function to Display the elements in List
void printlist(Node* temp)
    while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << temp->data << " ";
        temp = temp->next;
// Program to insert back of the linked list
void insert_back(Node** head, int value)
    // we have used insertion at back method to enter values
    // in the list.(eg: head->1->2->3->4->Null)
    Node* temp = new Node();
    temp->data = value;
    temp->next = NULL;
    // If *head equals to NULL
    if (*head == NULL) {
        *head = temp;
    else {
        Node* last_node = *head;
        while (last_node->next != NULL)
            last_node = last_node->next;
        last_node->next = temp;
// Driver Code
int main()
    Node* head = NULL;
    insert_back(&head, 1);
    insert_back(&head, 2);
    insert_back(&head, 3);
    insert_back(&head, 4);
    cout << "Given linked list\n";
    cout << "\nReversed linked list\n";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


// Java program for above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Create a class Node to enter values and address in
    // the list
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
    static Node head = null;
    // Function to reverse the linked list
    static void reverseLL()
        // Create a stack "s" of Node type
        Stack<Node> s = new Stack<>();
        Node temp = head;
        while ( != null) {
            // Push all the nodes in to stack
            temp =;
        head = temp;
        while (!s.isEmpty()) {
            // Store the top value of stack in list
   = s.peek();
            // Pop the value from stack
            // update the next pointer in the list
            temp =;
        } = null;
    // Function to Display the elements in List
    static void printlist(Node temp)
        while (temp != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            temp =;
    // Program to insert back of the linked list
    static void insert_back(int value)
        // we have used insertion at back method to enter
        // values in the list.(eg: head.
        Node temp = new Node(); = value; = null;
        // If *head equals to null
        if (head == null) {
            head = temp;
        else {
            Node last_node = head;
            while ( != null)
                last_node =;
   = temp;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.print("Given linked list\n");
        System.out.print("\nReversed linked list\n");
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


# Python code for the above approach
# Definition for singly-linked list.
class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
        self.val = val = next
class Solution:
    # Program to reverse the linked list
    # using stack
    def reverseLLUsingStack(self, head):
        # Initialise the variables
        stack, temp = [], head
        while temp:
            temp =
        head = temp = stack.pop()
        # Until stack is not
        # empty
        while len(stack) > 0:
   = stack.pop()
            temp =
 = None
        return head
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    head = ListNode(1, ListNode(2, ListNode(3, ListNode(4))))
    print("Given linked list")
    temp = head
    while temp:
        print(temp.val, end=' ')
        temp =
    obj = Solution()
    print("\nReversed linked list")
    head = obj.reverseLLUsingStack(head)
    while head:
        print(head.val, end=' ')
        head =


// C# program for above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Create a class Node to enter
    // values and address in the list
    public class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node next;
    static Node head = null;
    // Function to reverse the
    // linked list
    static void reverseLL()
        // Create a stack "s"
        // of Node type
        Stack<Node> s = new Stack<Node>();
        Node temp = head;
        while ( != null) {
            // Push all the nodes
            // in to stack
            temp =;
        head = temp;
        while (s.Count != 0) {
            // Store the top value of
            // stack in list
   = s.Peek();
            // Pop the value from stack
            // Update the next pointer in the
            // in the list
            temp =;
        } = null;
    // Function to Display
    // the elements in List
    static void printlist(Node temp)
        while (temp != null) {
            Console.Write( + " ");
            temp =;
    // Function to insert back of the
    // linked list
    static void insert_back(int value)
        // We have used insertion at back method
        // to enter values in the list.(eg:
        // head.
        Node temp = new Node(); = value; = null;
        // If *head equals to null
        if (head == null) {
            head = temp;
        else {
            Node last_node = head;
            while ( != null) {
                last_node =;
   = temp;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Console.Write("Given linked list\n");
        Console.Write("\nReversed linked list\n");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// javascript program for above approach
// Create a class Node to enter
// values and address in the list
 class Node
     constructor(){ = 0; = null;
var head = null;
// Function to reverse the
// linked list
function reverseLL()
    // Create a stack "s"
    // of Node type
    var s = [];
    var temp = head;
    while ( != null)
        // Push all the nodes
        // in to stack
        temp =;
    head = temp;
    while (s.length!=0)
        // Store the top value of
        // stack in list = s.pop();
        // update the next pointer in the
        // in the list
        temp =;
    } = null;
// Function to Display
// the elements in List
function printlist(temp)
    while (temp != null)
        document.write( " ");
        temp =;
// Program to insert back of the
// linked list
function insert_back(  value)
    // we have used insertion at back method
    // to enter values in the list.(eg:
    // head.
    var temp = new Node(); = value; = null;
    // If *head equals to null
    if (head == null)
      head = temp;
      var last_node = head;
      while ( != null)
        last_node =;
      } = temp;
// Driver Code
        document.write("Given linked list\n");
        document.write("<br/>Reversed linked list\n");
 // This code is contributed by umadevi9616


Given linked list
1 2 3 4 
Reversed linked list
4 3 2 1 

Time Complexity: O(N), Visiting every node of the linked list of size N.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), Space is used to store the nodes in the stack.

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